"Ya always has ta keep movin forward, onward to new frontiers. Take that from a fella who was doin nothin but walkin circles through his past fer far too long."
Character Profile
Hailing originally from the farmlands around Limsa Lominsa, the Custos couple, Weland and Hild, found themselves leaving their home in search of a new life. They'd grown up in fields their whole life, but when families bitter rivalries would boil over, and with a marriage forbid, it came time to flee. They planned to elope, start over, in a place no one could ever find them, Gyr Abania. Though, it would seem they had never heard the tales of the infertile grounds of those lands. The couple found themselves under a mountain of woe, having to resort to hunting, fishing, scrapping crops together in the ramshackle hut they had made outside the city of Ala Ghiri. None of this was aided with the birth of their first child, Brandic Custos.It would only be less than a year into Brandic's life when the Empire made its move to siege and capture Ala Mhigo. His family was unable to escape their grasp, being forced to stay and provide for the needs of the newfound Empire asset. Fearing for their child's conscription, the Custos family kept their boy's existence a secret. They raised him at home, hiding him from searches, and only sending him out when it was safe to aid the household. All the while, his family supported a small group of internal resistance with supplies and asylum. Though the resistance's numbers were pitiful, a mere thorn in the foot of the Garleans, they inspired a small amount of hope to those in the area.
Things would carry on this way for years until Brandic reached the ripe age of 16. He had stepped out to the safety of dusk's fall, seeking to gather what he could for the evening. He picked a selection of herbs and small bits of cactus fruit, though hardly enough to sustain a family. Carefully he began to make his way back when, from the horizon, he caught a faint aura of dim, orange light. The Hyur picked up the pace, rushing home, only to find there was no longer a home to return to. In its place was a flaming heap, flames licking and igniting memories. Stone walls were blown asunder by magitek explosives. A nearby neighbor to the family claims that a group of soldiers came and stole-away his parents with plans to imprison them for abetting the rebellion.With no idea where the Empire held his family and no way to save them even if he did, Brandic turned to the only place he could, the rebels. Thankfully he had remembered a small bit on how to track them down. A drop of his surname would be all it would take to gain acceptance into the group. Brandic worked hard to get better, taking up training in the blade and shield. He fought in nameless skirmishes to sabotage Garlean tech and free laborers, each of which more dangerous than the last. One such incident caused a sizable explosion that hurled a chunk of shrapnel at his face, scarring it and nearly taking his eye. Eventually, as the crew's numbers just began to dwindle, help arrived in the form of a full-scale alliance raid. Seeking to aid in this final push, Brandic's team pushed out into battle. Many a life was lost that day from all sides, though, only one person emerged alive from Brandic's crew, and that was him and him alone.
With his home, his family, his friends, and allies alike all gone, Brandic had finally run out of places to go, out of options. He meditated by the broken remains of what was once his family home. The Hyur prayed desperately to the twelve above for a sign. Though he pleaded, his prayers went unanswered. This would continue until one fateful evening, his head laid down to rest in the ruins of his destroyed home. His resting mind flooded with vivid visions, signs, promises of a brighter future. Brandic snapped awake come the morning, still by his family's home. Without a word, he took off westward toward the shroud. He ran from everything he had known, just like his parents before him, full of hope and inspiration for the future.Brandic found himself before a large rock bearing the sigil of Oschon, the wanderer. Everything about this cliff-side rock was familiar to him; it was just as he'd seen it in his dream. It had to be more than coincidence now, surely! He prayed at the rock for a time, eventually drifting off to rest once more. Though, this time, when he awoke, he would find a strange old compass at the base of the stone. It was adorned with two hands that pointed north and south with a sigil in the middle barring wanderer's mark. The sigil in the middle would occasionally rotate on its own, leading to an unknown horizon. Gathering up the compass, he left with a small, understanding nod. Brandic followed the path set out before him, ever hoping it would lead to brighter days and the welcomed reunion of his family.
-- Character Profile --
Name: Brandic Custos
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Ala Ghiri, Gyr Abania
Home: Mists of La Noscea
Occupation: Free-Roaming SellswordAppearance: 5'9, messy blonde hair, and blue eyes with a sharp line scar around the left eye.Boons: Empathic, Loyal, Cunning, Quick-Learning, Protective, Kindhearted, Generous, Observant, Natural LeadershipBanes: Inexperienced, Impulsive, Overly Emotional, Physically Weaker Than Most Gladiators, Obligated to Help, Hates TitlesFears: Entomophobia (Giant Bugs Exclusively),
Attribute Block
Strength: ▣▣▣▢▢
Brandic typically has enough might to function in a fight with his sword and wear light or medium armor. He finds it hard to wield heavy weapons or don heavy armor and usually never does so. His strength is average overall.
Dexterity: ▣▣▢▢▢
Brandic fumbles with delicate tasks like moving discretely or threading fishing hooks. He has enough sense and coordination to dodge some attacks in combat, but he is no agile rogue by any stretch of the imagination.
Vitality: ▣▣▣▣▢
Growing up in the harsh lands of Gyr Abania left Brandic in good shape and his body ready to take on anything. His constant travels and intense training keep him fighting fit. He's also known for being able to take his fair share of the hits.
Intelligence: ▣▣▢▢▢
Brandic failed to learn much of the outside world, save for what his parents told him about. This has left him with a lack of worldly knowledge. As much as he loves to learn, he is ages behind any scholar worth their salt.
-------------Mind: ▣▣▣▢▢
Though unlearned, Brandic is instinctual. Typically his gut feeling is the right one, and his judgement calls are the ones to follow. He excels at reading faces and body language for intent.
Despite his accent, Brandic seems to have some way with words and making connections. Maybe it's the way he always speaks from his heart. Or maybe it's the way he takes command of the battlefield with his booming voice and commands, rallying his allies. Whatever it is, none can doubt that he is uplifting and inspiring... maybe unnaturally so.
Talents/Abilities:Cooking/Fishing: With so much time spent on the road, Brandic has easily picked up a few skills that make things easier for him. He knows how to fish and supply food for himself, even cook his own catch. He strangely has a real talent for cooking and his food is otherworldly in quality at times, though you will rarely hear him mention it.Inspirational: Something about Brandic is strangely inspiring. Ranging from his kind words to his commanding shouts on the battlefield, he always seems to uplift his allies in someway. On rare occasions, some have witnessed a certain aetherical charge to his words.Strange Methods: Wanting to push his talents to the next level, and distrusting of the Free Paladins as a whole, Brandic resorted to some less than conventional methods of progression. Taking his skills as a gladiator, he combined them with his tutoring in Red Magic to create something unique to him. His own path to the magic and protection he would need to aid those around him.Keen Eyes: For a Hyur, his vision is sharper than average. Likely his vision was tested and honed from seeing so much war and battle, where ever detail in vision could be the difference between life and death... or maybe he just likes carrots...
In this tab you will find out how Brandic feels about certain people in his life along with a brief snippet of his own words. (Note the feeling isn't always mutual.)( A '♦' denotes that the character is a NPC or NPC Faction)
Khatoa Qott (Significant Other)"My dearest, Toa. Ya came inta my life like a fate-chanced wind and yet here ya still is lingering like the rocks beneath us. I's so happy ta has ya in my life. Ya light my soul aflame with joy with ya smile alone, an ya could bring my coldest eves comfort with ya presence. I will always been here fer ya like ya is fer me, an together we will never be alone. Instead, I reckon we will walk each step into the future together, my hand in ya's the whole way."
Good/Best Friends
Weland and Hild Custos (Father/Mother) ♦
"Ohy... It's been some time ain't it? We's grown apart, life headed down differ'n pathes, but ya is still my ma an pa, so what else can I say? Ya Family an ya back in my life.----
Eada Chafer (Deceased Lover) ♦"... I's still sorry, but I know ya wouldn' wish fer me ta feel that way... Ya would want fer me ta carry on, ta make a new life with the sacrifice ya an the others made... I am damn well am now. I ain't goin ta live in the past no more... A'that ya can be sure. I is glad ta be alive, fer the first time in a long while... An I has all of ya ta thank fer that. I know ya will still be with me on the road ahead, lingerin in the breeze... so ya best be ready ta follow when I climb ta the tallest of peaks, aye?"
----Mitch (Fierce Feathered Friend) ♦"Well, Bud. Reckon we has been through thick an thin, ain't we? We's known one another from the moment I was a crawlin' lil' fella and ya was fresh from the shell, eh? An still we here is together, brothers'a different sort, I feel. Been through hell'n back and up ta the highest'a places... an we will keep doin' so til one'a us up an passes on. Reckon as much as life is a wave at times, I know ya will at least by at my side. An don't ya worry ta much... we will find our folks a we can be a family together again!"
I'delia Tohka (Best Friend/Student)
"I'delia, ya has been a great friend ta me ever since ya an I meet. Ya has grown so much... an not just on the count'a me like ya think it is... Ya has come far on ya own, an ya path only goes on from here. I hope ta see ya continue ta walk the path'a good, fer I think ya is all the happier an free'r fer it. An should ya stumble, I'll be right'ere ta pick ya up."
Larianne Glauhain "Lari""Ohy Lari, reckon we has both been through quite a bit ain't we? Though... reckon on the other side we still has this great big'ol family. I's happy ya is a part'a it. There is still times what ya say could'a been left unsaid... an fer ya noble dreams an such... I pray ya can mend that."----
Arecia Whitescale"Arecia, ya never seen ta keen ta tell ya own tale until now, but hearing it, I can see why. Ya tale reminds me'a my own in ways. I know it'll take some time fer ya open up. Just hopin someday ya feel truly at home here. Good folks deserve good family. Though I does get the hint ya does prefer Yem ta my lead, I thank ya fer workin with us in these times'a need."
Dagur Einarson"Reckon it has been nice ta have ya as a part'a our team. See'n the way ya fight with all'a us brings a smile ta my face. Thank ya fer protecting me an my family, eh?"
Iris/Ironius Graveheart"It's been nice have'n ya both help out when ya can. Ya is always welcome round these parts, an I hope ta see ya more offen."
Free Paladins ♦
Why is it any time I see one'a ya ranks, er someone callin themselves a Free Paladin, they is twisted'a heart in some manner'er another. Folks who is made'a hate, those who betray their own folks er just don't trust them. That ain't who I ain't ta be. Most folks say ya has ta step inta ya group ta take the next step forward... I instead say I make my own path, one that ain't needin me ta sell my soul er change the goodness'a my own heart fer power.
The Garlean Empire ♦ (Former)"I reckon I's a forgivin' man, but there ain't no forgivin the kinds'a things ya'll did ta the likes'a my home, my friends, an my family. I swear as'long as I draw breath, I's gonna work ta stop ya an everythin ya does ta do harm."
Ala Mhigan Necklace (Gone)
A gift given to him by his once-time love, Eada Chafer, as a symbol of both her love and her belief of the courage that was deep inside of him. Inscribed on the back in small print is "Fight with your heart, and you never fight alone. There's no reason to be afraid."Brandic, seeking to move forward from his past, went to Gyr Abania, to a small makeshift gravestone. There he prayed, grieved for the first time for all his lost friends, for what felt like hours. Brandic left this necklace around the headstone, as well as his dagger, yet another memory of the past.
Runed Longsword
Red Magic Focus Shield
Medium Armor
Desert Armor
Light Armor
Cold Weather Armor
This suit of armor is the adapted and reformed version of his old cold travel wear. It is more bulky than his usual armor from the extra warming padding, but still is lighter than most plate heavy armors. Some people still somehow mistake him for an Ishagardian knight in this mail, despite his efforts to have it made to avoid the connection.
Heavy Armor
Odd Soul Crystal
What was once a Red Mage Soul Crystal given to him by a friend has began to change colors and markings as of late. The red has shifted to a deep purple, and some sort of emblem has appeared deep inside the gem. Friends have speculated that this could be due to the odd way Brandic utilizes Red Magic. Perhaps the crystal could not handle the stress or maybe his own memories have begun to overwrite what was once there.
Hooks/Plot Points
Ala Mhigian Native?
Brandic was around during the events of Ala Mhigo's liberation, all the while neither looking or sounding like a native of the lands. There he witnessed much of the chaos and destruction of the fighting, the loss of life. Were you there as well? Did you lose someone to the war? Are you assisting in the Ala Mhigan Resistance or Reconstruction?
Hidden Grief
Under his cheerful demeanor and helpful ways, Brandic sometimes harbors a host of grief, regret, and stress, allowing them to build below the surface. He has taken great strides towards recovering from his past and his heartaches, but even the strongest can still slip. Are you a soother of woes, have methods of reducing the impact of stress, or even just have an ear to listen? He may seek you out.
Oschon's Blessing
Brandic has been told that the Wanderer watches over him. He is unsure of this, especially now, but has always had an affinity for finding himself to the right place at the right time. Were you born under Oschon, one of his followers, or just need aid? If so you might seek out Brandic... or he might unintentionally seek out you when you need him. Is it by random chance or do your fates seem to beckon him your way? Perhaps you have a need for his sword for a just cause. Or are you a soothsayer or fortune reader who can help him uncover more about himself?
Amateur Goldsmith
The Hyur has been seen frequenting the Ul'dah Goldsmith's guild as of late. Frequent visitors to the guild would notice him continuing to work hard on crafting rings, despite showing very little talent for the art. Resident goldsmiths or even traveling jewelers might be able to lend him some helpful advice.
Mistaken Knighthood
Brandic has many times been mistaken for some sort of Ishgardian knight. Maybe you might do the same? Perhaps you are looking into the rumors of such a person traveling around to places no knight has gone before, and his reluctant nature to be called "Sir." Maybe you are knight yourself and wish to seek him out or make conversation with such a person.
First off, I would like take a moment to thank you for dropping by the carrd to check it out. If you read it all the way through, I commend you on that.I have been into MMO RP for a few years now with a few years in D&D experience. Over those years I have grown quite a bit; so much that I find myself a usual DM in most groups apart of. Making interesting stories and adventures for other players to enjoy has become something of a passion of mine.As far as my personal RP, I am am a multi paragraph RPer if you allow me to do so, but I typically adapt to whoever I am with, finding a place that fits their comfort zone. I live in the Mountain Time Zone (Yes, we do exist! :D) and you can typically see me on throughout the afternoon and early evening.I enjoy more action and adventure style of stories, but I am not going to turn down the occasional tavern RP or other casual forms of RP. They are just not something I could do everyday. Got to have some dramatic tension from time to time, something to drive change and growth I feel.Speaking on that, I feel I should mention that Brandic can be a tough nut to crack. All his issues won't just disappear from one good moment or talk. I give lots of subtle clues to what he feels through his body language. So feel free to use those as much or as little as you like to see if you are making headway.Lastly, Brandic is a nice lad, a wonderful person, but I am not Brandic. That's not to say I am not a great person either of course, but lets try not to let OOC and IC get too mixed around. Of course, I wouldn't turn down OOC friends should that happen. Just know, if Brandic likes or, somehow, hates your character, it does not exactly mean I do.If you like the carrd and think you would enjoy setting up RP sometime or even just want to ask about something, feel free to reach me on Discord at:Brandic#9872With that out of the way, here are a few extra things starting with a list of Brandic inspiration via Spotify!